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    第十六屆中國國際機床展覽會(CIMT2019)于2019年4月15-20日在北京?中國國際展覽中心(新館)舉辦,展會主題為“融合共贏 智造未來”,全球機床工具制造業(yè)的知名企業(yè)和品牌悉數(shù)以強大陣容亮相展會,共有來自28個國家和地區(qū)的1712家展商參展,其中境外展商874家,境內展商838家,展出面積各占50%左右。捷克、法國、德國、印度、意大利、日本、西班牙、韓國、瑞士、英國、美國、臺灣地區(qū)和香港地區(qū)等13個國家和地區(qū)的行業(yè)組織和貿促機構組團參展,展會共占用展覽中心全部8個展館,以及位于展館東側的4個臨時展館及西側的2個臨時館,展覽總面積達14.2萬平方米,比上屆增長8.4%。展會期間,展會主辦方、各國機床協(xié)會、參展企業(yè)、院所等62家機構組織了105場論壇、會議和技術交流活動。為期 6 天的展會共吸引了來自 81個國家和地區(qū)的 139079 名專業(yè)觀眾前來參觀,總人次達 319371人次。展會的展品水平和品種、規(guī)格的覆蓋面均創(chuàng)新的水平。數(shù)萬件展品中囊括了主機、功能部件、數(shù)控系統(tǒng)、量儀量具、機床電器以及刃具、附件等產業(yè)鏈主要產品范疇。其中眾多“中國首發(fā)”、“亞洲首發(fā)”和“全球首發(fā)”的最新產品令參觀者目不暇接,為廣大采購商提供了最廣泛的選擇空間.







    地點:北京 中國國際展覽中心(新館)


    Since founding in 1989, China International Machine Tool Show held in every odd year has been successfully held 16 sessions so far. CIMT is the most prestigious, largest scale and most influential professional machine tool exhibition in China, regarded by the global machine tool industry as with the same popularity of EMO of Europe, IMTS of US and JIMTOF of Japan. CIMT is one of the four famous international machine tool exhibitions, which could not be missed. Along with the continuous lift of international standing and influence, CIMT has become an important place for exchange and trade of advanced global manufacturing technology, and a display platform for the latest achievement of modern equipment manufacturing technology, and vane & barometer of machinery manufacturing technology progress and machine tool industry development in China. CIMT converges the most advanced and applicable machine tool & tool products. For domestic purchasers and users, CIMT is an international investigation without going abroad.
    The 16th China International Machine Tool Show (CIMT2019) was held from April 15th-20th, 2019 at China International Exhibition Center (New Venue), Beijing. The theme for CIMT2019 was “Win the smart future together”, there were well known enterprises and brands of global machine tool manufacturing industry in powerful formation presented at the exhibition. There are 1712 exhibitors from 28 countries and regions participating in the exhibition, among them, 838 were domestic exhibitors and 874 came from overseas, the exhibition area for domestic and overseas exhibitors accounted for about 50% respectively. Industry associations and trade promotion organizations from 13 countries and regions formed pavilions to participate in the exhibition, they were Germany, France, Korea, Czech, USA, Japan, Swiss, Spain, Italy, India, Britain, China Taiwan Region and China Hong Kong Region, the exhibition used all of the 8 indoor exhibition halls and 4 temporary exhibition halls on the east side of the venue and 2 temporary exhibition halls on the west side of the venue, the total exhibition area was 142,000 square meters, an increase of 8.4% over CIMT2017. During the exhibition, 62 organizers and exhibitors organized 105 forums, conferences and technical exchange activities. The 6-day exhibition attracted 139079 professional visitors from 81 countries and regions, the total number of visitors was 319371. The coverage of exhibit varieties and specifications were innovated at a new level. Tens of thousands of exhibits in the industrial chain catagory include machine tools, functional components, CNC systems, measuring instruments, electrical appliances, cutting tools, accessories, etc.. The latest products of "China debut", "Asian debut" and "global debut" were just too many to watch for visitors, providing a most extensive choice for the purchasers. See the post exhibition report for details

           DATE: APRIL 12-17, 2021

           VENUE: China International Exhibition Center(New Venue), Beijing

    主站蜘蛛池模板: 登封市| 大丰市| 宣汉县| 原阳县| 金山区| 开鲁县| 双城市| 安岳县| 仪征市| 嫩江县| 新龙县| 镇原县| 闸北区| 灌南县| 新邵县| 滦南县| 姜堰市| 即墨市| 杭锦旗| 北海市| 普安县| 名山县| 青神县| 叶城县| 阳城县| 灵山县| 西宁市| 故城县| 玛沁县| 兴文县| 句容市| 文登市| 闽清县| 洛隆县| 潜山县| 新和县| 上蔡县| 璧山县| 抚宁县| 商都县| 鄂伦春自治旗|